A House Divided...
No I'm not talking biblical terms, or speeches by Abraham Lincoln...
Rather our house line on the Super Bowl!
Pittsburgh 3
Cardinals 3
Undecided 1
Me: I think the Cardinals will win - but don't tell my boss ;-)
Alex: "Are you kidding me... Pittsburgh!"
Eric: Thinks Pittsburgh will win but wants Cardinals.
Alaina: "I'm psychic and Cardinals are my Team!"
Genna: Pittsburgh
Mark: Pittsburgh
William: Is two and half and points to whomever you mention last...
Some interesting stats and trivia...
The fifth-oldest franchise in the NFL and were founded on July 8,1933.
25 playoff appearances
14 divisional championships
7 conference championships
5 national championships
> They have hosted more conference championship games than any other NFL franchise.
> From 1974 to 1979 the franchise became the first NFL franchise to win four Super Bowl titles in six seasons, a feat which is yet to be matched.
Oldest continuous football franchise founded in 1898.
7 playoff appearances
5 divisional championships
1 conference championships
2 national championships
> Last played for national title in 1948 and holds the longest title drought record.
> Strangely enough, in 1944 during the (no players available) lean years of WWII, the then Chicago Cardinals merged with Pittsburgh and became one franchise and were known as Card-Pitt (or, mockingly, as the "Carpets") and went 0-10.
> Earned the nick name "The Cardiac Cards" during the 70's, back when they were "almost" good...
So, even though we are a house divided...I thing the Cardiac Cards are going to make it exciting and actually pull this one off.
They certainly are overdue and I always have a soft spot for the underdogs.
1. Larry Fitzgerald is unstoppable right now. I don't care what the Steelers defense ranks, the guy is a freak and freaks don't match up well...no matter what.
2. Big Ben is a moron. I seriously can't believe that this guy is somehow playing for his second Super Bowl championship. He looks like a moron. He talks like a moron. Only morons crash Suzuki Hayabusas while not wearing a helmet.
3. Kurt Warner's "I told you I wasn't done winning in this league yet" tour isn't over yet. He's got one more thing to do to prove that St. Louis never should have let him go.
4. We've watched a team go 16-0 and not win a Championship. We've watched a team go 0-16 the next season. Strange things come in three. The Steelers winning the Super Bowl wouldn't be strange...the Cards winning would be.
5. I'm not in your household, but my vote goes to the Cardinals.
I like the new background on the page!!!
Interesting stats!! My husband and I are huge football fans! Since my team did not make it this year, I am rooting for the Cardinals. My hubby is rooting for the Steelers. Should be a good game and we are looking forward to watching it. =)
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