NFL Stocks - Revisited
Last February I published the NFL Stock Portfolio.
Back then, its 12 month return was an impressive 70%.
Lets see how it, and the stock market, has done over the past 6 months.
DOW Jones Industrial Average Return = 4.2%
NASDAQ Average Return = 5.9%
NFL Stock Portfolio Return = 18%
At this rate, I think I might just switch official watch lists.
The Official Fumbled Returns NFL Stock Portfolio is not made up of companies who have sports related products, or sponsorships, but rather stocks that have symbols which look like they could represent a particular team.
This is my version of the monkey throwing darts theory of picking stocks and it seems to be doing quite well.
As one might imagine, it was a bit difficult to actually come up with a symbol which easily could be related to an NFL franchise abbreviation or location. But I did manage to come up with one for each team. In some cases, I have alternates listed as well. I have counted these towards the average return for the watch list.
You can look up your favorite team stock symbol below to see how they have done.
The listing below show the following:
Company Name ---- Symbol ---- 02/2009 to 02/2010 Return ---- 2010 Return Since Feb.
AFC North
Raven Industries, Inc.---- RAVN----- 24% ----- 31%
Bengal Energy LTD ------ BNG.TO--- 180% -- -14%
Cleveland Biolabs Inc.---- CBLI ----- 29% ------ -6%
BigBen Interactive ------ BIG.PA -- 43% ------- 4%
AFC South
Texas Instruments ----- TXN ----- 44% ----- 10%
Colt Telecom Group ----- COLT.L ----- 48% ----- 12%
Jaguar Minning ----- JAG ----- 86% ----- -19%
Titan Machinery ----- TITN ----- 4% ----- 22%
AFC East
Buffalo Wild Wings ----- BWLD ----- 110% ----- -9%
Dolphin Capital Inv ----- DOLHF ----- 39% ----- -31%
Patriout Coal ----- PCX ----- 200% ----- -9%
JHT Total Stock Index ----- JETSX ----- 29% ----- 6%
AFC West
Bronco Drilling Co. ----- BRNC ---- -11% ----- -25%
Kansas City Southern ----- KSU ----- 45% ----- 27%
Oakmark Equity Income ----- OAKBX ----- 20% ----- 1%
Bolt Technology ---- BOLT ---- 32% ---- -11%
AFC Conference Average Return ----- 58% ------ -1%
Alternate Names
Proshares Shortdow30 ----- DOG ----- -26% ----- -7%
Pittsburgh and WV RR ----- PW ----- -7% ----- -3%
Global Titans ----- DGT ----- 26% ----- -2%
Tennessee Power ----- TVE ----- 0% ----- 3%
Blue Dolphin Energy Co ----- BDCO ----- 6% ----- 387%
New England Bank Shares ----- NEBS ----- -26% ----- 34%
Dolphin Capital Inv ----- DOLHF ----- 39% ----- -31%
MassMutual Prem Index ----- DENVX ----- 24% ----- 5%
Kansas City Life Ins ----- KCLI ----- -18% ----- 23%
NFC North
Citi Group ----- C ----- -7% ----- 25%
Fidelity Souther Corp ----- LION ----- 81% ----- 31%
Grup Aeroport ----- PAC ----- 72% ----- 4%
MFS Intermediate Trust ----- MIN ----- 7% ----- 2%
NFC South
Falconstor Softwore Inc ----- FALC ----- -10% ----- 3%
Avis Budget Group ----- CAR ----- 1387% ----- 3%
Blackrock International ----- BRESX ----- 34% ----- 2%
The Bank Corp TBBK ----- 109% ----- 10%
NFC East
Delta Airlines ----- DAL ----- 74% ----- 1%
ishares NYSE ----- NY ----- 17% ----- 1%
Eagle Bulk Shipping ----- EGLE ----- -41% ----- -4%
Dana Holdings ----- DAN ----- 1115% ----- 20%
NFC West
Cardinal Health ----- CAH ----- -13% ----- 3%
Stifel Financial ----- SF ----- 37% ----- -8%
Seahawk Drilling ----- HAWK ----- -14% ----- -52%
Sterling Bancorp ----- STL ----- -36% ----- 27%
NFC Conference Average Return ----- 186% ----- 4%
Alternate Names
Green Bankshares ----- GRNB ----- -34% ----- 82%
Purple Corporation ----- PRPL ----- -89% ----- 1%
Russel Quantitative ----- REDSX ----- 20% ----- 1%
Formula Systems ----- FORTY ----- 154% ----- 12%
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